
Improve Yourself and to be successful!

Dear friends, if you want to describe someone to improve himself and to be successful after overcoming all the difficulties on the way, how will you express it? In the Chinese language we call it “更上一层楼(Geng4 shang4 yi4ceng2 lou2)” and “过关斩将(guo4 guan1 zhan3 jiang4.)” Welcome to take our Chinese lessons online to learn the two Chinese idioms.

更上一层楼(Geng4 shang4 yi4ceng2 lou2)

In our online Chinese lessons you can read a lesson about it.

王之涣, Wang2 Zhi1huan4, the well-known Tang poet, was a vigorous man who loved to compose poems. He often discussed with other good poets such as 王昌龄Wang2 Chang1ling2 and 高适Gao1 Shi4 about the skills of writing poems. After being dismissed from office, he traveled around the area of the Yellow River. Once after climbing the 观雀台(Guan1que4 tai2) , he composed a poem: The bright sun is sinking behind the mountain, the yellow river is running towards the ocean. If you want to see one thousand miles, even the wider, you need to climb one more story, still the higher.

更上一层楼(Geng4 shang4 yi4ceng2 lou2)” means to scale new heights on the basis of given success or to attain a yet higher goat.

过关斩将(guo4 guan1 zhan3 jiang4)

Through our online Chinese lesson you can also know that in the late years of Eastern Han Dynasty, after 刘备Liu2 Bei4, 关羽(Guan1 yu3) and 张飞(Zhang1 Fei1) separated in Xu Zhou, Guan had to stay in Cao’s place in Hebei, Guan wanted to go there to meet Liu with Liu’s two wives, but was refused by Cao. For his bravery, Guan passed five fortresses and killed six Cao’s generals.

过关斩将(guo4 guan1 zhan3 jiang4) means to overcome all the difficulties on the way.

Do you want to listen to the two stories? Welcome to take our mp3 Chinese lessons. Come and have a look!

