
How to Distinguish “几(jǐ)” and “多少(duōshǎo?)”

Dear friends, when you take part in yct test, you may be examined by some Chinese words, which are similar in meaning or in usage, such as the two Chinese words “(jiù)” and “(cái.)”

Today in our online mandarin courses you well learn about the difference between the two Chinese words “(jiù)” and “(cái.)”

In the Chinese language, the two Chinese words “(jiù)” and “(cái)” have a lot of similar point in usage.

For example, both “(jiù)” and “(cái)” can be used as adverbs and they can be placed before verbs expressing certain meaning.

But what they mean is opposite to each other.

The adverb “(cái)” expresses the opposite meaning. It suggests the tardiness or lateness of an action as perceived by the speaker. It would usually be rendered as “as late as” in English. Sentences using “(cái)” in this way usually do not end with “(le)”.

The pattern is: Subject + Time +“(cái)” + Verb. Through our lesson of mandarin for children you can read a example sentence.
Husband: Dear, I worked overtime today.

However, The adverb “(jiù)” can be used before a verb to suggest the earliness, briefness , quickness or sooner than expected of the action. This could be translated into “as early as.”

The pattern is: Subject + Time + “(jiù)” + Verb+(le). Through our mandarin lessons for kids you can know how to use it with an example sentence.

We start work at 8 o’clock, but our boss came as early as 7 o’clock. 

