
How to Reply Chinese People’s Greetings?

Dear friends, welcome to visit our website of world learner Chinese online learning. Today we will talk about a topic with you. That is – How to reply Chinese people’s greetings appropriately.

A simple “你好(Ni3hao3!)” shows hospitality and friendliness when you meet people. Chinese people will always be happy if a foreigner to whom they are talking can speak some simple Chinese.

In our Chinese learn online class you can know that if a Chinese person greet with you, then can you reply him appropriately? From the following text, you can learn how to reply Chinese people’s greeting appropriately.

If a Chinese person say: “你好(Ni3hao3!) Hello!” “早上好!(Zao3shanɡ4 hao3!) Good morning!” “晚安!(Wan3 an1!) Good night!” then you can also say “你好(Ni3hao3!) Hello!” “早上好!(Zao3shanɡ4 hao3!) Good morning!” “晚安!(Wan3 an1!) Good night!” for replying.
Mother: Good night!

But if a Chinese person ask you: “你好吗?(Ni3 hao3 ma?) How are you?” then you should answer for “我很好!(Wo3 hen3 hao3!) I’m fine!” 挺好的!(Tinɡ3 hao3 de!)”or “还不错(Hai2 bu2cuo4!) It’s okey!” etc.

If you want to know how to use it into practice, please come to visit our Mandarin learning online class to learn it with the help of our Chinese teacher.

Dear friends, have you leant how to reply Chinese people’s 你好(Ni3hao3!)” and “你好吗?(Ni3 hao3 ma?) How are you?” appropriately? Welcome to visit our Chinese learning forum to do more exercise about it and to learn more ways of greetings with Chinese people.


Please Enjoy It

Dear friends, welcome to take our online Chinese language courses and today we will talk about Chinese culture with you.

If you have lived in China, you may have the experience of having a meal in your Chinese friend’s home. Then do you have some embarrassing experience? Please read the true story below firstly.

Our online Mandarin tutor will share the story with you that an American was in a Chinese friend’s house for dinner, and his father’s mother said “Please eat it slowly.” Or “Please enjoy it slowly.” each time when she left for the kitchen. When the American heard it for the first time, he thought he was eating too fast, so he began to slow down. But the second time when he heard it, he felt a little embarrassed and dared not eat any more. But at this time, his friend said to him, “Please don’t stand on ceremony and eat more.” To eat or not to eat? The American was really puzzled.

If you also feel puzzled about the phenomenon, then our Mandarin tutor can tell you that as a matter of fact, no matter it is at a private dinner or on business banquet, “Eat it slowly” is just a polite expression of the Chinese hosts, which does not really mean to ask guests to eat slowly. Chinese people believe that courtesy calls for reciprocity, particularly in business activities. During the business contacts, companies keep in touch with both new and old clients and promote their relationship at cocktail parties, reciprocal receptions, etc. On these occasions, the hosts will say “Please enjoy it slowly,” which actually means “please make yourself at home and eat more.”

Dear friends, do you have other interesting experience? Or do you have other questions? You can ask about our private Chinese teacher to help you!



Chinese Film-Initial D

Dear learn Chinese online kids today we will share a Chinese film with you- Initial D.

Story Introduction

Through our course of online Mandarin for kids you can know that Fujiwara Takumi is an ordinary high school student in his third year. He is a genius driver but not much of a talker, and he lives with his father, who runs a tofu store. Every morning Takumi delivers his father’s tofu to customers by car. One day he finds himself in a race against Takahashi Keisuke, who is second-in rank in the so called “fastest road racing group” in Gunma Prefecture. Takumi wins the race with his old car, and makes him known in the racing circle.

He starts a career in road racing, and names his car Eighty-six based on the engine’s model number, AE86. Through the process of competition, Takumi grows up, and changes his estranged relationship to his father into one of mutual understanding and support.

Character Introduction

By taking our Chinese classes for kids you can know that Fujiwara Takumi: A high school student in Gunma Prefecture. He is an introvert, and spends his day attending school and delivering fresh tofu to customers. He develops sophisticated control over his car, and loves to “drift around” on a daily basis, dreaming of having his own race car. He secretly admires a girl but hesitates to express his crush. An accidental victory in a road race changes his life.

Natsuki Motegi: A high school student in Gunma Prefecture. A childhood friend of Takumi’s, she grows up to be the object of admiration for all boys. Takumi has a crush on her, too. Natsuki only likes Takumi, but keeps a secret cash-based relationship with Mr.X. After learning about it, Takumi cools his heart for Natsuki.

Fujiwara Bunta: Takumi’s father. In Takumi’s eyes, Bunta is a drunk who frequently beats his son, and mismanages the tofu store. Father and son have a troubled relationship. In fact, Bunta has once been the most famous God of Drifting for his generation, but since Takumi’s mother leaves, Bunta has slacked off. With the help of his son and his friends, Bunta starts a new life.

Dear friends, do you want to talk about the film with us? Welcome to visit our website of learning Chinese for kids to share your opinions with us.


The precious Pagoda Relics in China

The Ruiguang Temple was originally known as Puji (普济) Temple and was built during master monk Xing kang (性康) from the Kingdom of Kangju (康居)The Chinese lesson is very tough for you to understand those Chinese language. This Temple complex is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in Suzhou in 247. Sun Quan built the 13 levelhigh pagoda within the temple as a tribute to his motherInitially restored in the Five Dynasties erain 937the Pagoda was revised to seven levels in a subsequent renovation during the Song DynastyIt was also then renamed Ruiguang Pagoda in Chinese lessonsafter the glorious and auspicious light that is said to reflect from its many levels

Similar in age to the Huqiu (Tiger Hill) Pagodathe Pagoda has seven levels and reaches a height of 43. 2 m among the architectural and structural qualities of Tang and Song multi-level design pagoda in 1 978the Suzhou Cultural Relics Bureau discovered many priceless relics in the third level core of the PagodaSacred Ways and Stone Statues in the front part of imperial necropolises there is usually an “sacred way’’ or “divine road” in Chinese courses for the spirits of the royal deadin which the ancients believedto walk onThis road is often lined with stone statues of men and animals as important decorations of the grounds

The traditional name for the giant sized statues of menpopularly called “stone men” in Chinese courseis strictly Wengzhong (翁仲)It is said that a Herculean giant by the name of Ruan Wengzhong (阮翁仲) lived in the Qin Dynasty from 22 1 to 206 BC and distinguished himself with great service in garrisoning the borders in Gansu and in fighting the HunsAfter he diedShi Huangdi of the Qin Dynastyto commemorate him had a bronze statue carved in his likeness and erected at his palace in Xianyang



Another sightseeing is Scenic Openings

Jingdong in Chinese language lessons or “scenic opening” is the general term for fancy gates and windowsa feature of the national art of the Chinese architectureUsually found in parks and private gardensscenic openings make part of the landscape or provide picture frameswhich you can learn in Chinese language lesson, as it wereto natural scenes while serving their proper practical purposes

Fancy gates may be of any formroundsquareovala vasea crescenta bay leafa lotus petalor a garlandOn either side of such a gate are usually planted bamboosflowering plants and grass and occasionally also rockeriesLeading to and through the gate is sometimes a pebbled pathway with flowery patternsThus beautiful scenes are created with the fancy gate as the focus

Fancy windowslikewisemay be built in various shapesround ovala druma crescenta polygonan open booka bay leafor a flowerAnd as a rule they are fixed on fancy or corridor walls in pleasure gardens andthrough them as picture framessightseers may view scenes on the other sidewhich change as they walk on Noteworthy is the type of scenic windows called lou chuang in Chinese language learning of lessons or “hollowed window”

They may be constructed of tiles or brickswood or stone carvingsleaving openings of geometric patterns and decorated with carved through human or animal figuresStrollersthrough the openings of such windowswill get fragmentary and changing glimpses of the view across the wallThe idea of the lou chuang in the Chinese language courseprobably an artistic conception unique to the Chinese architecturehas recently been extensively adopted for modern buildings such as art galleriescultural centersclass residencesThey pleasing sights as wellexhibition hallsan shopsand certain high help ventilation and interior lightingand create.



The more details of Temple and old tea horse path

The Temple was occupied by the Anglo French Alliance during the Second Opium War in 1 900during the Boxer MovementThe Eight Nation Alliance occupied the Temple complex and turned it into the force temporary command in Beijingwhich lasted for one yearThe occupation desecrated the Temple and resulted in serious damage to the building complex and the gardenRobberies of Temple any facts by the Alliance were also reported probably for many Chinese learners finding effective ways to learn ChineseWith the downfall of the Qing Dynastythe Temple complex was left unmanagedThe neglect of the Temple complex led to the collapse of several halls in the following years 

In 1 9 1 4Yuan Shikai that is the Chinese pinyin of an easy way to learn Chinesethen President of the Republic of China, performed a Ming prayer ceremony at the Templeas pan of an effort to have himself declared the Emperor of ChinaIn 1 91 8 the Temple was turned into a park and for the first time open to the publicThe Japanese army occupied the park during the Second Sino-Japanese War, which was destroyed by Japanese before their retreat. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage in 1998and was described as a masterpiece. The surroundings of the temple is now a very popular park for exercising

In the Yuan Dynastythe government prompted building post roads and settlng up post stationsIn the Ming Dynastythe government of building post roadsIn the Qing Dynastythe post organization of Tibet was renamed as “Tang”, which you can find the best way to learn Chinese through Chinese pinyinManagement of Tang situations was¨improved and completedAt the end of the Qing Dynasty and beginning of the new republic regimea number of tea deal word the end of the World War 11the Ancient Tea-Horse Koad had become the main international commercial route in the big southwest area

After 1957Chinese government built Yunnan Tibet and Zhing-Xiang whose pinyin will not appear in hsk testMaterials and commodities have been responded to Tibet. That ended the out of date way of carrying cargos by man and horses on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road



The Mid-Winter Festival is Coming!

Dear friends, on the day of December the 22th of 2014, 冬至(dōnɡzhì) the Chinese Mid-Winter Festival is coming, which falls directly on or around December 22 of each year. It is actually on the day that the sun shines weakly and daylight is shortened. This is a very important holiday for China, and is still celebrated in parts of China today. Today our online Mandarin tutor will help you know what do Chinese people eat on that day.

South-汤圆(tānɡyuán) rice dumplings

Our Mandarin tutor will help you know that in the southern parts of China and people usually eat of tangyuan 汤圆(tānɡyuán)” balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion. 汤圆(tānɡyuán)” are made of glutinous rice flour and sometimes brightly coloured. Each family member receives at least one large 汤圆(tānɡyuán)” in addition to several small ones. The flour balls may be plain or stuffed. They are cooked in a sweet soup or savory broth with both the ball and the soup/broth served in one bowl.

North-饺子(jiǎozi) dumplings

Our private Chinese teacher can help you to know that dumplings are the most essential and popular food for Mid-Winter Festival, especially in northern China. There is a legend that 张仲景(Zhang Zhongjing) a renowned medical scientist at the end of Eastern Han Dynasty (25 - 220), found his fellow-townsman suffering from coldness and hunger when he returned from his position of prefecture chief in winter. More severely, many of them had terrible chilblains in the ears. On the Mid-Winter Festival, he cooked food named Jiao Er with a stuffing of medicine and other ingredients fending off the cold to feed these people, and they recovered soon. Later people learned to make the food to create the present dumplings.

Besides, through our online Chinese courses you can also know that Chinese people eat “粽子(zònɡzi)” in Dragon Boat Festival, eat “月饼(yuèbǐnɡ)” in Mid-Autumn Festival and eat “年糕(niánɡāo)” in ther Spring Festival.



“狐假虎威(Hu2Jia3Hu3Wei1)” and “囫囵吞枣(Hu2lun2Tun1Zao3)”

Dear learn Chinese online kids, welcome to visit our Chinese online class and today we will help you to learn two Chinese idioms-“狐假虎威(Hu2Jia3Hu3Wei1)” and “囫囵吞枣(hu2lun2tun1zao3)”. Besides, you can learn tow interesting stories about them.


Through our lesson of online Mandarin for kids you can know that long long ago a tiger in the forest saw a fox and attempted to eat him. The fox cried out: “I’m the king of animals designed by the Jade Emperor. If you walk with me in the forest, you will see all other animals will be scared away by me.” The tiger did not believe him and decided to follow the fox to have a walk in the forest and found the other animals did run away as soon as they saw them.

Later Chinese people the idiom “狐假虎威(hu2jia3hu3wei1)” to describe the phenomenon that a person bully others by flaunting one’s powerful connections.


In our Chinese classes for kids you can also know that a doctor used to tell his patients: “Pears are good to teeth but harmful to the spleen. Dates are just the opposite: they benefit the spleen but do harm to the teeth.” Thinking of himself clever, one of the patients said: “I’ve a clever idea that can avoid these problems.” Would you tell us about it?” The doctor said, “Well,” answered the patient, “when I eat a pear, I’ll only chew and not swallow it. So it can’t harm my speech while when I eat a date, I’ll swallow it whole without chewing so that my teeth won’t suffer.” The other people all sniggered: “But what about your stomach? Wouldn’t that be too much for it?”

Later people use the idiom “囫囵吞枣(hu2lun2tun1zao3)” to describe a person who reads without much thinking or learning something without really understanding it.

Dear kids, are the two stories interesting? Do you want to know how to use the two idioms? Welcome to visit our class of learning Chinese for kids to make a further studying about them!


Do you like the Chinese Taoism

Taoism (also spelled Daoism) refers to a philosophical and religious tradition that has influenced the people of East Asia for more than 2.5 millennia relating to the effective ways to learn Chinese business       The word Taois often translated as “path’’ or“way”, but with a myriad of nuances in the folk religion and the Chinese philosophy, property and ethics emphasize the three jewels of the derationand humilitywhile in the easy way ro learn Chinese class Taoist thought generally to focuses on nature,the relationship between humanity and the cosmos (天人相应)health and longevityand wuwei (action through inacon). Hand out with the universeor the source there of (Tao)is the Intended resuh of many Taoist rules and practices Preference for ancestor spirits and immortals is common in popular taoism. Urganized Taoism distinguishes its ritual activity from that of the folk religionwhich some professional Taoists view as debasedChinese astrologycuisineZen Buddhismseveral Chinese martial arts, traditional Chinese medicinefeng shuiand many styles of the best way to learn Chinese course online to have been intertwined with Taoism throughout history

Taoist beliefs include teachings based on revelations from various sources. Thereforedifferent branches of Taoism often have different beliefs, especially concerning natureNeverthelessthere are cenaincore beliefs that nearly all the sects shareThese relate to the symbology called yin yang symbol and the notion of in which seek to counterbalance yin with yang at every opportunityGenerally speaking in Chines courses online and even hsk testTaoists believe in embodiment and pragmatismengaging practice to actualize the natural order within themAIsothey believe that life should be peaceful and caIled with ivory Te Ching,is widely regarded to be the most influentialtaoist text


Taihu Lake Fishing Festiva

As China’s largest inland fishing portfishing villages along the Taihu Lake in Suzhou have still retained about a thousand authentic ancient fishing boatsliving customs of fisherman and fishing cultureIt is a certain thing that getting a full view of those culture would occupy yourself in the motive to learn Chinese in 5 minutes from your Mandarin teacher . When it comes to the fishing season on Sept1hundreds of fishing boats sail together to departure in a spectacular sceneIn the solemn public ceremony of worshipping the Taihu Lakefishermen living around the Lake offer a tribute pilgrimagetoastand a series of traditional fishing fete activities advocating the natural fishing culture and expressing their reverence and gratitude to the guardian godKing Yu the Great in basic Chinese of Chinese tutorLegend has it that the fishing boat with 7 sails has evolved from the battleship used by Yue fei whose pinyin is everlastingly used in basic Mandarin taught by your different Chinese teachersa famous hero in the Song Dynasty who guided soldiers to conquer the Jin governmentLocal fishermen in the traditional fishing ritual and lake sacrifice wouldwith music and recited poemsperform their unique skills and climb onto the mastThen they would hang the fishing flag and wish a new smooth fishing season and prosperous marine economy of Taihu areaIt is known that to conserve resource in the Taihu Lakefishing is banned in the Lake from Feb1 to  Aug31 every year since 1983And from 2005 till nowtaking the lessons about ib Chinese, that the Taihu Lake Fishing Festival has developed to be a comprehensive gala integrating culture commerce and tourism with different activities and cultural shows like Taihu DelicaciesCycle Tour Around the LakeInternational Sailing Contest and so onattracting thousands of visitors from home and abroad



Two treasures in ancient civilization of China

Here is a story in the Chinese lesson online, which quite little Chinese learners from other countries may have never seen. As the emperor hadby law an absolute position not to be challenged by anyone elsehis subjects were to show the utmost respect in his presencewhether in direct conversation or otherwiseWhen approaching the imperial throneone was expected to kowtow before the emperorIn a conversation with the emperorit was considered a crime to compare oneself to the emperor in any wayIt was taboo to refer to the emperor by his given nameeven if it came from his own motherwho instead was to use Huangdi (emperor)or simply Er (son)The emperor was never to be addressed as youAnyone who spoke to the emperor was to address him as Bi xia whose Chinese can be found in Chinese courses onlinecorresponding to "Your Imperial Majesty”

What is the Chinese Tuo ?
It is the paper turned into a copy with white characters or drawing on a black ground
Removed and driedit becomes the rubbingsRubbings vary and are called in hsk prep of Chinese test by different names according to the ink usedwufinta (乌金拓) (black gold rubbings)are made with the black inkchanyita (蝉翼拓) (cicada wing rubbings) are made with very light inkzhuta (朱拓)(rermillion rubbings) with vermilion ink. Bound book from the rubbings become bei tie (碑帖) (stele rub brings)which may be used either as models for calligraphy or kept in a collection for appreciation or researchAs inscriptions on bronzestone or wood wear out with timeearly rubbings made from  famous pieces of work valued and cherished than the ones made later

Now, let us review today's points in Chinese culture as well as the content of learning Chinese online. The first is etiquettes in court, and the second is an item called Tuo in Chinese, which has been often use in writing or calligraphy. The time has passed away for a long time, but Chinese people today as well as visitors from all over the world still want to learn this part of Chinese culture.



Further details of the Chinese Taoism

The title means in HSK learning “the classic of the way and its power or virtue of a foundational scripture of central importance in Taoism pull) written by Lao Tzu sometime in the 5th or 6th century BCIt has been used as a ritual text throughout the history of religious Taoism schoolssuch as LegalismNeo—Confucianism and Chinese Buddhism· Taoist commentators have deeply considered the opening lines of Tao Te ChingThey are widely discussed in both academic and mainstream literature of learning Chinese lessonThe opening lineswith literal and common translationare:道可道,非常道。(Tao can be saidnot usual wayThe way that can be described is not the true Way.名可名,非常名。(Names can be namednot usual names.)

The Name that can be named is not the constant NameIn the process of learning Mandarin lessons, Tao literally means ‘‘path’’or “way’’ and can figuratively mean “essential nature” “destiny” “principle”or “true path”The philosophical and religious “Tao” is infinitewithout limitationOne view states that the paradoxical opening is intended to prepare the readers for teachings about the unreachable TaoTao is believed to be transcendentindistinct and without formHenceit cannot be named or categorizedEven the word “Tao’’ can be considered a dangerous temptation to make Tao a limiting ‘‘name”The Christian doctrine of the trinityone of the most important in the Christian faithteaches the unity of FatherSonand Holy Spirit as three persons in one divine beingThe trinity concept is also the most important in Taoism faiththe Trinity of Taoism is called Sanqing (Three Pure Ones)including Yuqingor Jade PurityShangqingor Supreme Pure Oneand Taiqingor Grand Pure One

The Christian trinity are united in Onewhilst Taoist trinity are produced by OneThe Taoist classicTao Te Ching of Lao Tzu, they are three names from the way to learn Mandarin lessons online. The produced Tao produced the Onethe one produced the Two the two the Threethe Three produced all the myriad beingsHerethe One is tai chithe Two are the Three Pure Ones are yin and yang the them.


After This Our Exile

Dear friends, if you are interested in Chinese films, then you may know a famous Chinese actors-郭富城(Guo1 Fu4cheng2.) Today, our website for world learner Chinese will introduce a Chinese film played by Guo Fu4cheng. It is After This Our Exile.

Story Introduction

Through our course of Chinese learn online you can know that Abao’s mother runs away when her husband’s gambling goes out of control. This further infuriates the already irritable father. Driven by the lone sharks, Abao and his father hide in a cheap inn, where the despondent father tries to abandon Abao. Before he has the opportunity, the father is beaten by the debt collector and suffers a broken leg.

The seriously injured father asks Abao to borrow money from his mother and his neighbors. Instead of following his father’s instructions, Abao opts for stealing. The father encourages and even forces Abao to continuing stealing. Abao spends his days in fear and hopelessness until one day he is caught in the act. The cowardly father slinks off as the son is beaten. When father and son see each other again in the correctional facility, Abao angrily confronts his father.

After finishing watching the film, you are welcomed to talk about it in our Chinese learning forum.

Character Introduction

Zhou Changsheng is an irascible father and a gambling addict who makes repeated promises to reform himself in order to bring happiness to his family and who, time and again, lets his family down.

A lian is a loving mother and wife. Losing all faith in the future, she has an affair, and eventually leaves her family for her own sake. She feels a lasting guilt for what she has done.

Abao is a nice, precocious child who loses his family and education to his gambling and his mother’s leaving. He is sent to the correctional facility because of stealing. He makes up for his mistakes with good intentions and deeds, and he cherishes a special bond with his father.

Do you want to know about more film? Welcome to visit our website of Mandarin learning online!